Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports


  • Review existing data for making timely decisions about academic and non-academic interventions.
  • Provide a consistent discipline referral process exists throughout the school.
  • Make use of schoolwide expectations and rules in specific settings to teach students appropriate behavior.
  • Select and implement evidence-based strategies.
  • Use an acknowledgment system to encourage appropriate behavior and consequences to discourage inappropriate behavior.
  • Explicitly provide faculty and staff with staff development on behavioral interventions and effective strategies to address behavior problems.

Why is it important?

  • In establishing a common classroom-level and schoolwide management system…
    • Student achievement rates increase.
    • The number of student discipline problems decline.
    • Teachers are better able to give all students attention.
  • PBISV complements other initiatives including:
    • Instructional Support Teams (IST)
    • Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)
    • Response to Intervention (RTI)
  • The implementation of PBISV has reduced (by up to 80% in 2/3 of reported cases) numerous school-related problems including:
    • Classroom incidents
    • Office referrals
    • Student suspensions


Multi-Tiered System of Support

Parkside utilizes a Multi-Tier System of Support (MTSS) as the framework for responding to student behavior and social-emotional learning (BSEL) needs. Each tier of the support model prescribes a different set of strategies in addressing BSEL and as students move through the tiers of support these interventions become more individualized and intense.